Top 10,000 Last.Fm artists Jan 2014

As in previous years, here is a downloadable Excel list of the top Last.FM artists (this time it’s a top 10,000) in order of the number of plays:

Top 10,000 (Jan ’14)

A few notes:

  • The italicised artists are those that are potentially mistagged. I have aimed to include all Last.FM artists with sufficient plays to enter the list, including those that Last.FM considers to be mistagged or unfavourable. 
  • The Jan ’13 ranking is derived from the workings for the list that I uploaded here. My Jan ’13 rankings only go up to 9,000 and the majority of the artists in the final thousand of this year’s list therefore appear as new entries. The threshold for this year’s top 10,000, which is about 950,000 plays, is roughly comparable to the threshold for last year’s top 9,000. 
  • The Jan ’14 figures were collected during the two weeks leading up to 12 January 2014. The top 150 artists’ plays are as at 12 January 2014.
  • The Jan ’14 ratio is the number of plays divided by the number of listeners.
  • The Nationality is intended to be the principal nationality of the principal artist that has contributed to the number of plays. In a minority of cases I have shown two nationalities if I think this is useful, though I have tried to minimise this. Certain names on the list relate to multiple artists, and certain artists (both groups and individuals) are of multiple nationalities, so I have needed to apply some judgement.

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